CARDIOVASCULAR PATHOLOGY: SURGERY AND INTERVENTIONS is an international peer reviewed open access e-journal. The website is updated quarterly with the CVPSI’s latest original research, clinical studies, case reports, reviews, news, and comment articles. This Journal is devoted to different kinds of cardiovascular diseases and modern methods of their treatment.
All the articles are published in full on with open access and no limits on word counts. Our mission is to lead the debate on health and to engage, inform and stimulate doctors, researchers and other health professionals in ways that will improve outcomes for patients. The CVPSI team is based mainly in Moscow (Russia), although we also have editors elsewhere in Russia and in other countries.
The Journal is published by the Publishing House of Bakoulev Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery, Ministry of Public Health of Russian Federation (Moscow, Russia) with the science support of the Center.
- ISSN: 2413-6646 (Online)
- Language: English.
- Journal DOI: 10
- Frequency: Published once in three months.
- Peer-review model: double-blind review.
- Publication charge: free of charge.
- Digital Archiving: Russian Science Citation Index (Russia) [rus]
- Editor-in-Chief: Leo A. Bockeria
- Founded: in 2015